10 activities to do at home that can boost your mental health during a winter lockdown

Do not suffer during a winter lockdown. You can take small steps that make a big difference to your mental health and how you are feeling by picking up some of these techniques. Learn how to tune into yourself and make meaningful connections to the people around you whilst drowning out the negative thought patterns.

In this infographic we provide 10 activities to do at home that can boost your mental health during a winter lockdown.



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  1. Deep breathing – engaging in breathing techniques can be a useful way for calming your body as well as your mind.
  2. Self-soothe box – a self soothe box includes items that connect to all your sensed and helps calm you during times of distress e.g. smell a scented candle, sight – a picture that evokes a positive memory.
  3. Activity planner – an activity planner is a useful way for organising your week and making sure you are scheduling activities that connect you with a sense of pleasure and achievement.
  4. Mindful colouring – a mindful colouring book can be a great tool for refocusing on the present moment and reducing stress and worry.
  5. Thought diary – writing down thoughts in a diary is a useful exercise for understanding what you are feeling and thinking. It is also a useful tool for recognising triggers and learning ways to better cope with them.
  6. Wellness action plan – A wellness action plan is a tool that helps you come up with practical ways to cope with stress and be proactive with your mental fitness.
  7. Exercise – whether its high intensity training, stretching or engaging in yoga, exercise is a great way to boost mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
  8. 3 good things – writing down 3 good things you have achieved from the day before bed can help you tap into positive emotions and remind you of the things you are good at.
  9. Visualisation – closing your eyes for a couple of minutes and imagining yourself in a calm and relaxing place can be a great way to boost confidence and reduce anxiety.
  10. Learn something new – be creative and challenge yourself to learn something new.
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