10 ways coaches can support athletes to look after their mental health during a winter lockdown

The BelievePerform team look at the ways coaches, teachers and mentors can reach out to their athletes to make sure they feel connected. Our experts supply techniques on keep mentally fit and healthy.

In this infographic we provide 10 ways coaches can support athletes to look after their mental health during a winter lockdown.

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  1. Regularly check in with your athletes and ask them how they are feeling.
  2. Listen to your athletes needs. Be patient and understanding.
  3. Encourage your athletes to keep connected to their teammates, family and friends.
  4. Build mental health into regular conversations (e.g. checking in with athletes during the first 5 mins of training).
  5. Be accessible for your athletes so it is easy for them to talk to you.
  6. Take a holistic approach by paying attention to things that are going on outside of training.
  7. Make sure your athlete knows where to go for extra support (e.g. helplines and mental health charities).
  8. Encourage athletes and teammates to support each other and spend time engaging in some self-care as individuals and a team.
  9. Encourage athletes to engage in activities outside of training that provide them with a sense of purpose and meaning.
  10. Encourage athletes to develop a list of helpful behaviours/activities they can engage in to help deal with stress and worry.
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