Tom Shields
BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching and MSc Sport & Exercise Psychology Graduate and former Lecturer in Sports Coaching and Sport and Exercise Science at Leeds Metropolitan University. Current NCAA Division I College Soccer Coach, NSCAA National Staff Coach and Youth Soccer Club Director.
If we are to acknowledge the ability of coaches to have a significant effect on an athlete’s psychological welfare (Chelladurai, 1990, Mageau & Vallerand, 2003, Potrac, Jones & Cushion, 2007) it would seem sensible to assume that a large portion of their coaching practice would be tailored around ensuring their interactions...

The use of Heuristic Practices and specifically Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU) within learning environments has been an ever increasing methodology applied by teachers and coaches for over 20 years. Ever since Bunker and Thorpe voiced their frustration and concern of the skills first approach, a paradigm shift has been...

Skill Acquisition in Sport This article attempts to provide simplistic insight into the concept of Skill Acquisition in sport, and specifically what actions coaches and teachers need to be conscious of to help ensure their athletes are presented with the best possible chance of achieving excellence. In an effort to...

As Coaches and Practitioners we regularly use the term ‘Applied Sport Psychology’ and ‘Sport Psychology in Practice’ but in the very real world of youth soccer coaching, with all of the time constraints and restrictions that accompany it, what exactly do these terms mean? Moreover, how exactly can we ensure...

It is widely acknowledged that the most successful performers across varying sporting paradigms are those that have invested a significant amount of time acquiring the essential skills of their trade through purposeful practice. From a skill acquisition perspective, factors such as repetition are recognized as being of critical importance in...