
I dislike how we use the word ‘talent’. A quick google of the word ‘talent’ provides the following definition: natural aptitude or skill. Despite this rather narrow definition, I feel ‘talent’ is too often given as the independent reason and cause to explain how people reach elite performance in sport. I would instead argue that […]


1. Background In this article three developmental pathways to expertise in the field of sport were critically analysed. Activity patterns were explored and compared, in an attempt to find trends in footballers that reached top-level performance as an adult. 2. Findings There are three current pathways to expertise that exist within sport (for a review, […]


Creating and developing an internal self-awareness within athletes is, for me, the most important job a sport psychologist has within applied work, and is something I care a great deal about when working with others. When it comes down to it, it is not we – the psychologist who will be scoring goals in the […]