
Theories of Motivation Motivation is a key aspect of sport and can be used to predict an individual’s behaviour during a performance depending on what is driving them. It can be defined as: ‘the hypothetical construct used to describe the internal and/ or external forces that produce the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behaviour’ […]


Self-talk is considered one of the main psychological strategies for developing a better mental state in sports context and it can take several forms: positive (motivational),  instructional and negative (Weinberg & Gould, 2003). Self talk is also being used as a tool for elite football coaches to handle pressure and being able to maintain a […]


Sports, such as basketball, require individuals to shoot under pressure, and under the observation of others, such as co-actors (other performers), an audience, or a coach. Performing in front of others can be a daunting prospect; athletes may feel the pressure to perform up to a certain standard, but crumble. For some players, this pressure […]


Motivational theories assumes an individual as an intentional, goal-directed organism who operates in rational manners (Roberts, Treasure & Conroy, 2007).  An individual participating in sports are consequently driven by motives related to winning (ego-orientation) and mastering of skills (task-orientation) (Roberts et al., 2007). These predisposed goal orientations affects an individuals`state of motivational-involvement in sport-context. An […]