Maintaining motivation during lockdown

A short training plan providing athletes with tips and advice on how to maintain motivation during lockdown

What you'll learn

The 3Cs of motivation

How to build confidence to maintain motivation

How to stay connected to your purpose

How to focus on things that are in your control

How to use goals to maintain motivation

How to use strengths to maintain motivation


In this training pack, Adam and Mark discuss ways to keep motivation high during adversity. Naturally, when so much is changing around us, maintaining motivation levels can be somewhat challenging. Given the level of uncertainty, Adam and Mark discuss the 3Cs, which are sources of Motivation; control, confidence and connectedness, and how you can fuel each one of them. Additionally, they discuss the use of goal-setting, and how process goals, focused on behaviour and attitude can be really helpful during this time

Course Content

Course Materials

Course content

1 Lecture



The current conditions
1 Lecture

Are you struggling to stay motivated?


Staying in control
1 Lecture

Focus on things you can control


Maintaining confidence
1 Lecture

Are you fuelling your confidence?


1 Lecture

Are you staying connected?


Revisiting goals
1 Lecture

Reviewing your goals


A strength approach
1 Lecture

Playing to your strengths



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  • 30 mins on-demand video
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  • Access on a variety of devices

Who is this game plan for:

  • Athletes
  • Coaches
  • Parents
  • Teachers

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