Keeping your confidence during challenging times
This training plan helps people to identify 4 areas they can focus on, to maintain and grow their confidence through their daily activities
Practical ways to work on your confidence
4 areas of confidence that are important to work on
How to maintain and grow your confidence
Over the coming days, weeks and months it is imperative that we are looking after our physical and mental health. For many students, parents, teachers, coaches and athletes across the world their daily routine and habits will have become disrupted, which could lead in a drop in confidence around their performance. We have developed a short training plan that focuses on helping individuals to learn how to keep maintain and grow their confidence during this time.
This training plan helps people to identify 4 areas they can focus on, to maintain and grow their confidence through their daily activities. This will give people any self-belief they have lost during this period, but also help reduce levels of anxiety and identify what activities can bring a sense of positive reinforcement into their daily routines.
Overview of Confidence
Check in with your confidence
Using mastery (past performance) to grow
Using peers as role models to grow
The role of feedback and self-talk
Looking after yourselves physically and mentally