How to support students to be ready to deal with setbacks

Part of the supportive role that a coach, mentor or teacher can provide is providing students with techniques for dealing with challenges or things that may not go as expected, or the way they had hoped. Setbacks can be a common issue and have the potential to become more problematic if students are unprepared in dealing with them.

In this mental health infographic the BelievePerform team look at how to support students to be ready to deal with setbacks.

Categories: Overcoming setbacks PSHE Sign Up

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  • Help students identify coping strategies that will them stay mentally fit.
  • Help students to identify what they have learnt from previous setbacks. Look at both the positives and negatives.
  • Work with students to identify their strengths and how they can use them daily.
  • Help students to identify a network of people they can reach out to when they are struggling.
  • Help students to identify helpful behaviours they can engage in if/when they experience a setback.
  • Encourage students to think about 3 good things they have achieved from their day and what those things say about them as a person.
  • Get students to start thinking about what things they can do easily to stay mentally healthy.
  • Help students to think about how others can help them when they experience a setback.
  • Help students to think about unhelpful behaviours in when they have experienced previous setbacks. What could they have done differently?
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