10 things you can do that will help boost your mood during a winter lockdown

Keeping a regular routine and maintaining connections with friends and family are some of the ways we can stay tuned to our own sense of well-being.

In this infographic the BelievePerform team look at 10 things you can do that will help boost your mood during a winter lockdown.

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  • Get active – Schedule regular activity or exercise into your week. This can help reduce stress/anxiety and boost your mood.
  • Talk to friends / family – Maintaining positive relationships with people who are close to you can boost confidence.
  • A to do list – Writing a to do list can help you stay organised and on top of things.
  • Physical health – Sleeping well, staying hydrated and eating a well balanced diet are all things that are important for boosting energy and making you feel more positive about yourself.
  • Pleasure / achievement – Plan in some activities into your week that provide you with a sense of pleasure and achievement.
  • Limit news – Limit the amount of time you check the news and are on social media.
  • Be kind to yourself – Provide yourself with time and space to relax and apply some self care.
  • Breathing techniques – Learn and practise a breathing technique. These can be useful to use during times of stress and can help calm your mind and body.
  • Strengths – Identify what your strengths are and think about how you can put them into action on a weekly basis.
  • Your values – Identify tasks and activities that are important and meaningful to you. Think about how you can keep working towards them each week.
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