This is a short and simple article on managing emotions. The key aim is to allow performers an opportunity to utilise a strategy to enable them to manage emotions in sporting environments.
Identify emotions
Performers are encouraged to write down both their positive and negative emotions following performance. This practice can enable performers to identify emotions that willl enable them to sketch images to make them self-aware of both body language (display) and mental attitude (thoughts).
Following the identfication of emotions a period of reflection should follow. Reflection is used to build a relationship between identification of emotions. Performers should utilise a traffic light situation. The RED is stopping to identify emotions (positive and negative); AMBER is relative to getting ready to take action; GREEN relates to action planning.
Analysis of emotions
Analysis involves identifying strengths and areas to improve. Previous research evidence stipulates that performers who analyse and reflect are more likely to succeed. Arguably, performers who reflect are readily self-aware of their emotions versus those who are not aware.