Tracy Donachie
PhD candidate researching perfectionism in sport and performance psychology consultant.
http://believepositivepsychology.weebly.com @tdona005
Football has been described as “more than just a game” (Jones, 1995). As a result, footballers are experiencing psychological distress despite achieving great sporting success. To attest to this point, more than one quarter of professional footballers suffer from symptoms of depression and anxiety (Gouttebarge, 2014). Football is a highly...

Have you ever been told that you are a perfectionist? Or have you ever felt that you a perfectionist? When everything needs to be “just right”? There is a difference between striving for excellence and wanting to do well, compared with excessive perfectionism. Perfectionism has been described as a personality...

Sports performance is determined by many factors. According to Serpa (1999), and the trends from the literature, the coach-athlete relationship is an important factor affecting sport performance. Within the realms of the 3 C's Conceptual Model, the coach-athlete relationship is defined by the interdependence and influence between coaches' and athletes'...

A controversial issue within the psychology field is perfectionism. Perfectionism is described as a broad multidimensional personality trait characterised by the pursuit of extremely high standards; striving for flawlessness, and over critical performance evaluation (Frost et al. 1990; Flett & Hewitt, 2005). Some may debate that being a perfectionist athlete is...

Understanding the psychological components that help with optimal athletic performance is a key priority for applied sport psychology. One factor that has been examined since the 1980s is flow which defined by Cziksentmihalyi as “a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to...

Abraham Lincoln once described an a optimist as someone who "finds opportunity in every difficulty" whilst a pessimist to be someone who 'finds difficulty in every opportunity". Another way to look at optimism is in terms of explanatory style. Explanatory style examines the way an individual explains their experiences, successes...