Spencer Vickery
I currently holds a bachelors and masters degree in sport and exercise psychology, this combined with 7 years experience as a professional golfer competing throughout the UK and Europe gives me an almost unrivalled amount of knowledge and understanding about the psychology behind performing under pressure and how the brain works during these pressure situations. I am always happy to answer any questions
Cell assembly theory developed by Donald Hebb (1949) explains how within the brain we develop neural pathways that act like roads, these are formed through learning, experiences, and the thoughts we have. In simple terms when a thought or experience is had cells fire in the brain, if the thought...

More and more factors such as anxiety, depression, anger, worry, and frustration just to name a few are becoming the norm in not just elite level and professionals sport but even sport at a recreational level. Sports psychologists are in ever increasing demand to deal with these issues with performers...

Motivation to exercise is an extremely important area in psychological research. Gaining an understanding of why many people drop out of exercise, and why others are able to maintain involvement in exercise for sustained periods of time is an extremely important topic largely due to the UK and western world...

There are many types of motivation in sport all of which can play a major role in how we handle the pressures and stresses of competition. One theory of motivation that is extremely relevant to competitive sport and is often seen effecting sporting performances, is the theory of approach and...

This article discusses the interventions that can be put in place to help performers to adopt a healthier attitude towards their sport. It follows on from a previous article ‘Motivation & Fear of Failure’ (February Articles) which discussed performers’ goal orientations, these being either dominantly task, or ego orientated. As...

For all of his greatness, I have always had my reservations about Rory McIlroy. He undoubtedly has spectacular golfing abilities and to have achieved what he has so far already makes him one of the greats. However my suspicions were first set racing when we witnessed the spectacular choke at...