Sophie Walton
Having been a high performing Rhythmic Gymnast and a sports coach to a variety of abilities, ages, cultures and backgrounds, this has significantly shaped who I am. These experiences greatly influenced my academic choices which led to studying Sport (BA Hons) at Durham University. As my knowledge of sport psychology grew, I soon realised how much influence it had on my own career as a gymnast and a coach. This led me to further pursue my academic studies, graduating with an MSc in Sport Psychology from University of Roehampton and embarking on the BASES SE Accreditation pathway. I have had experience with GB Rowing, Professional Football players, Junior GB Volleyball athletes, research, publications and more.

Since the birth of Twitter, the social media world has catapulted into something only once imaginable. The impact Twitter has had on the sports industry has been immense, in both positive and negative ways. Twitter has seen to significantly influence sports news and communication, marketing strategies, athlete profile and fan...

Internal dialogue or self-talk, as it is most commonly referred to in sport psychology, is an occurrence nearly every athlete experiences. Although positive self-talk is possible, typically, our thoughts and self-statements are negative and consciously appear at the most inconvenient of times. However, it is when we fuse with these...

Back in 1925, Coleman Griffith (soon to become known as the Grandfather of Sport Psychology) became the first person to make a career out of Sport Psychology by working with the athletes at the University of Illinois. In the 1960s Sport Psychology gathered momentum and saw Soviet Bloc countries adopting...

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses worldwide and in recent years the affirmation of depression has increased within the elite athlete population. Despite the alarmingly large amount of athletes acknowledging their depression, a lot remains unknown about their true experiences and why it occurs. Robert Enke's suicide,...