HCPC Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist working with Table Tennis Wales, Valleys Gymnastics Academy and MCCU Cardiff. One-to-One clients have included athletes from golf, cricket, rugby, football, triathlon, swimming, fencing, badminton, gymnastics, trampolining, table tennis and taekwondo. @life_in_sport
What is resilience? Resilience has been defined as, “a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the context of significant adversity” (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000, p. 435). Two conditions of resilience are understood to be inherent within this definition: 1. That there is exposure to significant adversity (or risk) 2....

Whether I have worked with Gymnasts, Footballers, Table Tennis Players or Triathletes, one thing has become clear, they all need to focus their attention on different cues at different times. When we think of the concept of focus the following terms are key, internal, external, narrow and broad (Weinberg &...

Introduction As a Trainee Sport Psychologist, I have been offered many opportunities to work with young athletes at various stages of their personal development and progression within their chosen sport. When these roles were first offered, it was challenging to understand the needs of each age group that I was...

As Neophyte Sport Psychology practitioners with the Golf Union of Wales (GUW) we are always looking for ways to improve our consultancy styles. As part of this development we recently ran a workshop on working with team sports for all of the psychology support team to attend. This team includes...

As a trainee Sport Psychologist I have carried out a selection of workshops and consultancy in golf. It recently came to my attention from some individuals that team events can increase the pressure that they experience during a competition. Most golfers spend the majority of their time practising for and...