PRE PERFORM is a business run by qualified sports psychology consultants whose aim is to help both individuals and team reach their goals. Experience in sports psychology and business has given us insight into the workings of the everyday mind, from this we have found techniques and methods to increase performance without mental drain! Check Us out on social media and get in contact! @pre_perform
The term 'muscle dysmorphia' was coined in 1997 (Pope, Gruber, Choi, Olivardia, & Phillips, 1997) to describe this new form of disorder, commonly referred to as 'reverse anorexia', and now more commonly 'bigorexia'. The causes are not known but two key ideas revolve around bigorexia as a form of obsessive...

Performance psychology plays a role in the workplace. Top business people understand the need for performance psychology and see the use for sports psychology in the workplace, they strive for success as do top athletes and notice the need to develop the mental side of their performance. Sports Psychology is...

Social influence looks at how behaviour can be changed through pressures from others within a social context, once this pressure is understood it can be in turn used to influence participation in physical activity and exercise (Darlow & Xu, 2011). In exercise it has been shown how when the social pressures...