Ben Marks
BASES Probationary Sport and Exercise Scientist (Psychology), MSc, Passionate about Human Performance and currently working within Professional sport
As the sporting world today is becoming more competitive than ever, professional teams and individuals are always looking to gain that competitive advantage over their opponents and rivals. Data (or tangible evidence) is becoming increasingly popular among professional outfits and if obtained correctly, the data can suggest areas of strength...

In my experience, the term resilience is becoming an extremely prominent term used within sport, whether it is in relation to coaching, physiology or psychology. This is partly due to the rise and use of positive psychology and the benefits it can have on well-being and vitality within individuals (See...

For many years athletes dedicate themselves to the path of elitism within their respective sport. Hours upon hours of practice, military like regimes combined with mental preparation and focus assist an athlete in achieving their goal. Finally the hard work pays off and they are recognised as the elite within...

Talent has been at the centre of much deliberation over the past few years, not only with research experts, but also with general consultants in the dynamic field of sport psychology. Taking into consideration research material and psychology books, this article aims to discuss talent and the components which surround...